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Internal Complain Committee (ICC)

Internal Complain Committee (ICC)

Gender equality and women’s empowerment are fundamental human rights and crucial for the upliftment and advancement of a peaceful, successful, and sustainable nation. CMP College values gender equity and strives to achieve equality and empowerment for its female employees and students. The college has a zero-tolerance policy for gender bias and sexual harassment on campus and has established an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) in accordance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013, and UGC Regulations, 2015 for higher educational institutions. The ICC aims to address cases of sexual harassment and provide a platform for victims to voice their grievances. Additionally, the college conducts regular gender equity promotion programs, inviting guest speakers from prominent fields to discuss various gender issues and highlight the importance and contribution of women in society.

Objectives of the ICC:

Gender sensitization implies raising awareness of gender equality concerns. It gives a transparent and precise view of gender and helps to understand that gender is not about “women”; it’s about “people.”.

The cell aims to assist people in examining their personal opinions and beliefs and questioning the realities of both sexes.

  • The purpose of gender sensitization is to create awareness among working professionals and students about the importance of gender sensitivity in
  • organize different events and activities for the empowerment of
  • To build an environment that helps women recognize their strength and potential and allows them to perform their best in all
  • Encouraging female students to live an independent and balanced life without any social
  • Cell intends to care for the mental well-being of women free from depression, aggression and guilt


Creating awareness and guiding young minds to understand power relations between men and women in society and the importance of providing women and men equal opportunities and gender equality should be a priority not only in the mission statements of the institution but also in its internal regulations.


  • Making women aware of their social, legal and constitutional rights to avoid their sexual, physical and mental
  • To encourage female students to be economically
  • decision-making access to female faculty and students to enhance their confidence and self-esteem.
  • To eliminate unjustified pressure on Boys and Girls to conform to the traditional norms of Masculinity and femininity

Composition of ICC 2023-24

  1. Convener: Dr Saroj Singh
  2. Co-convener: Dr Ruchika Varma


  1. Dr Charu Tripathi
  2. Dr Sapna Maurya
  3. Dr Himani Chaurasia
  4. Dr Sudhi Srivastava
  5. Dr Akram Ali
  6. Dr Satyendra Kumar
  7. Dr Avinash Chandra
  8. Mrs Sonal Khare
  9. Dr Sanoo Tiwari
  10. Dr Dharmendra Kumar Sahu
  11. Ashok Kumar Patel

Members of the Gender Sensetization Cell:

S. N. Name Designation Department Mobile No.
1 Dr. Ruchika Varma Convener Psychology 9450606317
2 Dr. Sudhi Srivastava Member Zoology 9826347592
2 Dr. Charu Tripathi Member Zoology 8750166199
3 Dr. Himani Chaurasia Member Chemistry 8840780331
5 Mr. Avinash Chandra Member Political Science 7376025858

Members of the anti-sexual harassment cell:

S. N. Name Designation Department Mobile No.
1 Dr. Saroj Singh Presiding Officer Hindi 9415616083
2 Dr. Ruchika Varma Member Psychology 9450606317
3 Ms. Sonal Khare Member Law 8112369752
4 Dr. Satyendra Kumar Member Economics 7008806742
5 Ms. Nazia Nafees NGO Member President, Al Kausar Society, Prayagraj 9336145715

UGC Guidelines

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