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Governing Body

Governing Body

The college is managed by the Governing Body constituted as per the ordinance of the University of Allahabad. The Governing Body is the apex decision-making body of the college. It is headed by the Chairperson. The Principal shall be the Secretary (ex officio) of the Governing Body. All together, including the chairman and the Principal, it consists of 17 members, out of which 8 are the founder members & representatives of society, 4 are nominated by the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor from a panel drawn up by the Executive Council of the University, and 3 are teacher representatives.

Composition of Governing Body of the College (2023-24)

Sl. Name Occupation Designation
1 Dr. Sushil Kumar Sinha Doctor (Radiologist) Chairperson (Governing Body)
2 Prof. Manmohan Krishna Ret. Professor, University of Allahabad Treasurer & Member (Founder member & representative of society)
3 Prof. Harsh Kumar Professor, University of Allahabad Member (Founder member & representative of society)
4 Shri Vinay Khare Member, K.P. Trust Member (Founder member & representative of society)
5 Shri Shailendra Kumar Member, K.P. Trust Member (Founder member & representative of society)
6 Prof. Sanjay Srivastava Professor, University of Allahabad Member (Founder member & representative of society)
7 Shri Akhilesh Srivastava Member, K.P. Trust Member (Founder member & representative of society)
8 Shri Rajendra Srivastava Member, K.P. Trust Member (Founder member & representative of society)
9 Smt. Anuradha Srivastava Member, K.P. Trust Member (Founder member & representative of society)
10 Prof. Satyamvada Singh Professor, University of Allahabad Member (Nominated by the Hon’ble V.C. from a panel drawn up by the executive council of the university)
11 Prof. Prakash Joshi Professor, University of Allahabad Member (Nominated by the Hon’ble V.C. from amongst the serving or former professors of the university)
12 Prof. Ashish Khare Professor, University of Allahabad Member (Nominated by the Hon’ble V.C. from a panel drawn up by the academic council of the university)
13 Sri Piyush Kumar Agrawal Business Member (Nominated by the Hon’ble V.C. from amongst persons of eminence in academic or public life)
14 Prof. Archana Khare Professor, C.M.P. Degree College Member (Teachers Representative)
15 Prof. Manish Sinha Professor, C.M.P. Degree College Member (Teachers Representative)
16 Dr. Ruchika Varma Assistant Professor, C.M.P. Degree College Member (Teachers Representative)
17 Prof. Ajay Prakash Khare Principal, C.M.P. Degree College Member-Secretary (Principal of the College) Ex-officio

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