Re Mid-Test (Internal Tests) of Environmental Law of Fifth Semester B.A.LL.B.(Hons) on 26/03/25 at 9.30 am. Syllabus – Unit -I     |      Change in the date of B.Sc.-I (Board-E) Physics Practical Examination (2025)     |      Schedule of B.Sc.-I & II Physics Practical Examination (2025)     |      Schedule of B.Sc.-III Physics Practical Examination (2025)     |      Schedule of B.A.-1, B.A.II & B.A.III Geography Practical Examination (2024-25)     |      छात्रवृति एवं शुल्क प्रतिपूर्ति के आवेदन पत्र को स्वप्रमाणित अभिलेखों सहित छात्र कल्याण कार्यालय में जमा करने की अंतिम तिथि 10.01.2025      |      बी.ए.एलएल.बी. में संविदा अतिथि प्रवक्ता के लिए आवेदन की अंतिम तिथि 16 जनवरी 2025 तक बढ़ाई गई।     |      छात्रवृत्ति संबंधी कार्यों हेतु अधिष्ठाता छात्र कल्याण कार्यालय 26, 27, 30 एवं 31 दिसंबर 2024 को खुले रहेंगे।      |      Declaration of the Result of NCC Admission 2024-25     |      Notice for Submission of Application of Ex-Student of UG Courses Part I, II, III, 2024-25 (Last Date 16 December 2024)     |     




IQAC at CMP Degree College is a significant administrative body responsible for all quality matters. It is the responsibility of IQAC to initiate, plan, and supervise various activities that are necessary to increase the quality of education imparted in institutions and colleges. 

The role of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) includes conducting audits to ensure that the quality standards of the college are being maintained and improved. This involves evaluating the effectiveness of various processes, systems, and procedures to identify areas for improvement and to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Quality assurance at CMP Degree College has two elements:

  • Internal Quality Assurance
  • Assessment and Accreditation

I. For internal quality assurance, the IQAC conducts the following types of internal audits on a yearly basis:

  1. Academic and administrative Audit 
  2. Green Audit
  3. Gender Audit
  4. Energy Audit 

II. For Assessment and Accreditation:

The IQAC calls for external audits from external agencies to assess the college on the following three parameters:

  1. Quality Management System: (QMS)
  2. Energy Management System (EnMS)
  3. Environmental Management System (EMS)


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