Re Mid-Test (Internal Tests) of Environmental Law of Fifth Semester B.A.LL.B.(Hons) on 26/03/25 at 9.30 am. Syllabus – Unit -I     |      Change in the date of B.Sc.-I (Board-E) Physics Practical Examination (2025)     |      Schedule of B.Sc.-I & II Physics Practical Examination (2025)     |      Schedule of B.Sc.-III Physics Practical Examination (2025)     |      Schedule of B.A.-1, B.A.II & B.A.III Geography Practical Examination (2024-25)     |      छात्रवृति एवं शुल्क प्रतिपूर्ति के आवेदन पत्र को स्वप्रमाणित अभिलेखों सहित छात्र कल्याण कार्यालय में जमा करने की अंतिम तिथि 10.01.2025      |      बी.ए.एलएल.बी. में संविदा अतिथि प्रवक्ता के लिए आवेदन की अंतिम तिथि 16 जनवरी 2025 तक बढ़ाई गई।     |      छात्रवृत्ति संबंधी कार्यों हेतु अधिष्ठाता छात्र कल्याण कार्यालय 26, 27, 30 एवं 31 दिसंबर 2024 को खुले रहेंगे।      |      Declaration of the Result of NCC Admission 2024-25     |      Notice for Submission of Application of Ex-Student of UG Courses Part I, II, III, 2024-25 (Last Date 16 December 2024)     |     

Eligibility Criteria & Rules

Eligibility Criteria & Rules

At the time of Admission

1.     The admission in the college shall be strictly as per rules of UGAT/PGAT/ LAT exam 2018 of the University of Allahabad

2.     The candidate seeking admission is required to be present in person at the time of admission.

3.     The admission is allowed only on the availability of seats on the day of admission according to the merit of candidate.

4.      Merit cut off list is notified on the website and it is also published in the local daily News Papers.

5.      The candidate should appear before the Admission Committee along with the following documents in original and with one set of self attested Photostat:

a.     Certificate and mark sheet of High School examination.

b.     Mark sheet of intermediate or equivalent examination.

c.      Transfer certificate:

For regular students Original Transfer Certificate issued by the Principal

For private students Character Certificate issued by Competent Authority

d.     Certificate of weightage claimed.

e.    11 digit computerized Caste certificate for SC/ST/OBC

f.      AADHAR card 

g.     Colour photographs

h.    Special advantage certificate (applicable to NRI and candidates from North-East states of India)

i.     Demand Draft or Bankers Cheque in favor of Principal, CMP College, Allahabad for fees. The candidate should write his/her name, Father's Name, UGAT Roll No, Course on the Back of Bank draft/banker cheque.

6.   In case of two or more students getting equal marks in UGAT, preference will be given to the candidate having higher marks in Intermediate / equivalent examination and High school / equivalent examination.

7.     Candidate failing to present themselves along with required documents on the scheduled date will not be considered.

8.      If any discrepancy is found, the admission may be cancelled at any stage. No refund of fees shall be done in such case.

9.     The teaching-learning in the college is undertaken as per directions & ordinances of the University of Allahabad and facilities provided by the University.

After Admission

1.   Students taking admission in first year should fill the Enrolment Form within one month from the date of their admission and submit it to the General Counter.

2.     Students should get him/her enrolled in the respective departments by showing the Admission Receipt.

3.   Students should contact Proctor office for Identity Card after submitting anti ragging undertaking duly signed by the student and his/her parent/ gaurdian.

4.   Students should contact library for library card.


1.    The college provides a receipt for admission and every other payment. The students are advised to keep receipts safely.

2.    The admission fees shall not be refunded in any case after deposit.

3.    The students opting for Geography, Music, and Psychology in B.A. shall have to pay an additional amount of Rs 200/- for each subject.

4.     A student, who wishes to opt for the subject Geography in B.A., must have this subjects at the intermediate examination or equivalent level.

5.    For Music in B.A., the candidate must have the subject at High School or Inter examination or equivalent level. The student having an equivalent certificate to intermediate level from Sangeet Samiti or equivalent approved institution will get preference in choosing subject Music (Vocal/ instrumental) in B.A. 

6.     For Geography and Psychology in B.A., the students of Intermediate (Science) or equivalent examination are also eligible.

7.    Above rules and regulations may be modified at any time by the order of Principal without giving any notice.

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