Department Of Sociology


faculty img
Name:Dr. Ritesh Tripathi
Designation:Assistant Professor
Qualification:MA., PhD, UGC NET
IRINS ID:View Irins Profile
Google Scholar ID:View Google Scholar Profile

  • Sociology can be simply defined as 'the scientific study of human life, social groups, whole societies and the human world as such... Its subject matter is our own behaviour as social beings in relationship with many other people.'
  • Learning to think sociologically means cultivating the imagination. A sociologist is somebody who can break free from the immediacy of personal circumstances and put things in a wider context. The sociological imagination requires us to think away from familiar routines and look at them anew.

Outline of the department

  • Name of the department – SOCIOLOGY
  • Year of Establishment – 1978
  • Names of Programmes Courses offered – UG, PG& Research ( Ph.D)
  • Department has a good opportunity to make the students do research of the best quality, which will be beneficial for the discipline and the institution.
  • Annual semester choice-based credit system (programme wise)- UG (Annual): PG (semester- CBCS)
  • Seat offered in UG Programme: 694
  • Seat offered in PG Programme: 63
  • Seat offered in Ph.D. Programme: 10
  • Student Teacher Ratio (programme wise) - UG 130:1: PG 8:1 (approx.)
  • Number of Teaching posts: 08 (filled)


  • To build up confidence among the students.
  • To provide all the necessary facilities to the needy and week students.
  • To create social awareness among the students.
  • To guide students so as to create interest in research pertaining to social issues.


  • Department is committed to developed scientific, interpretative and critical capacities for understanding the social and cultural forces that shape the human experience.
  • We strive to foster a lifelong engagement with questions of social justice.
  • We bring theoretical and methodological rigor for understanding complex social and cultural realities both local and global.
  • We promote ways of imagining and re- imagining the common good and encourage the use of knowledge and skills to realized amore just society.     


  • To create awareness about social responsibility among the students.
  • To create avenue of self-employment for students.
  • To make self confidence in them and whole society.
  • To make students such capable members of the society who can perform their social roles and social responsibilities towards the society.   

Library as a learning Resource

The Department of Sociology has generated a departmental library, which has around 44 best quality reference and textbooks donated by faculty members.

There is a library In-Charge at departmental level, who issues books to PG students and faculty members. Department has a Library Register of book list along with author name, publisher name, total no. of pages of book, price and other relevant details.

Department also has an accession register (issue register) to maintain the inward, outward, issuance and return of library books. The librarian maintained these registers manually.

It is a continuous effort of all faculty members of the department to increase the number of good reference books, so that better reading material can be made available to the students, helpful in studies and in their project work.

Our central library has 626 books for U.G. and P.G. students of Sociology. It has around 160 journals general. There are three databases available: Indian journal, Cambridge University Press, HW Wilson.  Online resources jastor, N-list available in the library. N-list available 159 journal, DELNET available 266 journals. Sociology students also use the college reading room, for better research plagiarism detection service is also available. The main library has 10 newspapers and 28 magazines, which are used by sociology students to enhance their knowledge.

P.G. to NET JRF/Research

1-Stuti Prajapati (Session: 2018-19) – UGC NET

2- Anamika Singh Kushwaha (Session: 2018-19) - UGC NET JRF

3- Zabbiulla (Session: 2018-19) – UGC NET

4- Manya Singh (Session: 2019-20) – UGC NET

5-ANKUR KUMAR RAUNIYAR(Session: 2019-20) – UGC NET

6-PRITESH KUMAR RAY(Session: 2019-20) – UGC NET

7-SAURABH PANDEY(Session: 2020-21) – UGC NET



  • Adequate no. of students.
  • The faculty members are well qualified, experienced and dedicated to the discipline as well as institution.
  • Good results of UG and PG.
  • Subject is Popular among students and mostly opted for PSC & UPSC.
  • Discipline is helpful and beneficial for student to understand society in a better way.
  • Departmental library consisting of selective books.
  • For brighter career building of the students, various lectures on relevant and current issues are being organized by the department.
  • Interaction between teachers and students provides better opportunities for personality development of the students.


  • Lack of infrastructure.
  • Lack of awareness and enthusiasm among students regarding Sociology.
  • Lack of sufficient space in the department.
  • Urgent need of separate space for teachers.
  • It is a big department with various specializations but there’s no clerk.
  • More space is needed for better library.
  • There is only one desk top without UPS and one printer (not three in one).


  • Good teaching and better understanding of the students lead to better employment opportunities for the students.
  • In session 2022-23, the Department of Sociology has got Ph. D. Department has a good opportunity to make the students do research of the best quality, which will be beneficial for the discipline and the institution.
  • Healthy opportunities for teachers to carry out various projects on different issues.
  • To organize national and international seminars, workshops and conferences.
  • To create awareness about various social problems among the students and the society.
  • To participate in welfare activities.


  • To introduce interdisciplinary courses.
  • To introduce carrier-oriented courses.
  • To promote good research activities.
  • To develop infrastructure facilities for the students.
  • There is a demand of job oriented short-term course, we are trying our level best to make different courses of Sociology in the light of the same.

Getting good projects at departmental level from agencies like UGC and ICSR.